Guide on How to Appeal Academic Dismissal: Steps and Advice
June 18, 2024

Dismissed undergraduate students have the right to Appeal Academic Dismissal to the Committee. They are encouraged to use the appeals process if they believe their academic challenges result from extenuating circumstances that can be addressed with a strong academic improvement plan or from computational errors leading to a grade point average below the required minimum.
Please refer below for essential information to include in your appeal. Letters supporting the student’s appeal for re-admission in the upcoming semester must be emailed to the Committee by the deadline specified in the dismissal letter. The Committee will meet before the start of the next semester to review student appeals.
The committee will recommend for each appeal that:
- The dismissal terms be upheld; or
- The student be readmitted the following semester on academic probation; or
- Student be reinstated if the dismissal was due to a non-debatable computational error in calculating the GPA or academic progress.
Students will be notified of the results of appeals in time to make adjustments to their schedule for the upcoming semester.
The Committee will provide information about each student’s case for readmission to the academic advising office for use in advising the student and may include conditions or requirements for students who are readmitted.
Possible conditions may include, but are not restricted to, the following examples:
- Decreasing the number of courses taken
- Taking a one-semester leave of absence
- Participating in additional mandatory advising sessions or activities
- Retaking specific courses.
If you require assistance with the Appeal Letter process, you can seek guidance by visiting the academic advising office to schedule a meeting with a professional advisor.
Essential Questions for Your College Appeal Letter

Explanation of Academic Challenges: You must provide a detailed explanation for why you were unable to meet the goals outlined in your recent academic improvement plan. Please describe any extenuating circumstances that contributed to these challenges. Include relevant documentation. It can be beneficial to schedule a meeting with a professional advisor to review your latest plan as you address this part of your appeal.
Additional Academic Challenges: Besides the extenuating circumstances mentioned, have you encountered other challenges in your academic journey? Reflect on the self-assessment completed during your probation course when addressing this question.
Changes Leading to Future Success: How have these circumstances evolved to potentially enhance your chances of success if readmitted?
Strategies for Academic Progress: If these circumstances remain unchanged, what academic and/or social supports will you utilize to support your academic progress? Outline specific actions and identify any additional assistance you anticipate needing to ensure success.
It is crucial to provide clear and direct responses to these questions. The committee seeks to thoroughly assess your circumstances and is dedicated to linking readmitted students with the university’s support and resource network.
How to Begin Writing a College Appeal Letter

Check the school policies: First of all, you should figure out whether or not your school allows appeals at all because some schools don’t. make sure that your letter is based on legitimate reasons so that it won’t be rejected straight away. Include the necessary formal applications, documents, worksheets, transcripts, etc.
Follow the rules of formatting: You should address your appeal letter properly including all the necessary details. Provide your mailing address at the beginning of the page, add the address of your college committee, and the date. The body section of your letter should follow a salutation and a subject line. At the end of the letter, provide your signature and your name.
Attach the necessary documents: Before you get to writing your letter, make sure you have all the necessary official papers related to your academic problems. For example, you may have missed your classes because you’ve been at the hospital. In this case, you need to attach the documents from your physician.
Explain the situation and outline your further actions: You should introduce yourself to the members of the committee and address the legibility of your appeal letter.
Tips on Writing an Appeal Letter
- Present factual information without sensationalizing events.
- Stick to your main points and avoid unnecessary details and irrelevant information.
- Outline the solutions you propose and your approach to achieving academic success. Clearly articulate a specific plan, such as meeting with an advisor or scheduling tutoring assistance.
- Maintain a respectful tone and refrain from being confrontational or making threats.
- Be courteous and humble. Remember, you are requesting a second chance from your college, so avoid displaying resentment. Your letter should include an apology where appropriate. Review examples of effective appeal letters to learn how to gracefully accept a denial.
- Ensure your letter is polished and articulate, yet maintains a personal touch that reflects your own voice.
- Don’t forget to express gratitude to the appeals committee for considering your appeal.
- Proofread your letter thoroughly and consider having someone else review it to catch any overlooked errors.
Remember, having a flawless appeal letter does not guarantee its success. Stay determined but maintain realistic expectations.
What Should Be in Your Appeal Letter
To ensure your appeal letter is effective, refer to guides on writing appeal letters to ensure alignment with your college’s guidelines. Follow the specified format and include all required elements.
Your appeal letter should demonstrate:
- Understanding of the issue, including its causes and consequences.
- Accountability for your actions and any shortcomings.
- Careful consideration of details and a clear plan for improving academic performance and preventing future mistakes.
- Complete transparency with the committee.
The key to crafting a successful college appeal letter is to highlight your potential for future achievement and convey confidence. A lack of confidence can undermine the letter’s impact. Study examples of successful academic suspension appeal letters to understand how to maintain an appropriate tone. Your letter should be sincere and convince the committee that you merit another opportunity.
Sample Appeal Letter Explaining Special Circumstances
Dear Dean xxx and Members of the Scholastic Standards Committee,
I am writing to appeal my academic dismissal from Ivy University. Upon receiving the letter earlier this week notifying me of my dismissal, I was deeply disappointed, yet not entirely surprised. I am reaching out in the hopes of being reinstated for the upcoming semester. Thank you for providing me with this opportunity to present my circumstances.
I acknowledge that last semester presented significant challenges for me, resulting in a decline in my academic performance. While I do not wish to offer excuses for my shortcomings, I feel compelled to explain the circumstances that contributed to my difficulties. Enrolling in 18 credit hours last spring was a decision driven by my desire to stay on track for timely graduation. Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances arose in February when my father fell seriously ill. Balancing his care, household responsibilities, and commuting back and forth, often multiple times a week, significantly disrupted my study schedule and concentration. Despite my best efforts to manage these responsibilities while maintaining my academic workload, I realize now that I should have communicated with my professors more effectively or considered a temporary leave of absence. In retrospect, I overestimated my ability to handle these challenges simultaneously.
I hold Ivy University in high regard, and earning a degree from this institution holds immense personal significance as I would be the first in my family to achieve this milestone. Should I be reinstated, I am committed to improving my academic focus, reducing my course load, and better managing my time. I am relieved to report that my father’s health has improved, allowing him to return to work and reducing the need for frequent travel home. I have also consulted with my advisor and intend to follow her guidance on establishing clearer lines of communication with my professors moving forward.
I urge you to recognize that my recent low GPA, which led to my dismissal, is not reflective of my overall capabilities as a student. I am genuinely dedicated to my studies and view this past semester as an isolated incident. I humbly request your reconsideration and the opportunity to demonstrate my renewed commitment and potential for academic success. Thank you for your time and consideration of my appeal.
[Your Name]
Readmission after Academic Dismissal
Students who are readmitted will be placed on Academic Probation and are required to schedule a meeting with a professional advisor in the academic advising office promptly upon notification of their readmission to the university. Academic standing regulations will continue to apply in subsequent semesters.
During the upcoming term, readmitted students on probation are restricted to enrolling in 13 credits or fewer. They are also ineligible to participate in any university extracurricular activities, including the Student Government Association, Program Council, academic student organizations, special interest groups, intramural athletics, and intercollegiate athletics.
Financial Aid Eligibility After Approval of Your Appeal Academic Dismissal Letter
Students who have been academically dismissed are unlikely to meet the criteria for Academic Progress. Maintaining eligibility for financial aid hinges on adhering to all state and federal regulations governing financial aid eligibility.
If you find yourself ineligible for aid in the upcoming semester upon readmission, it is your responsibility to review your student account for the spring term and make necessary adjustments to your registration based on your ability to continue.
Should you be readmitted but ineligible for financial aid, you can reach out to your Student Navigation Center to discuss your individual circumstances before finalizing decisions for the upcoming semester.
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